New Jersey just legalized.
Now New York Too! We have to take on Long Island town by town now…. and get the Federal Government to legalize all forms of Cannabis!
New York is bordering Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Jersey, all states with liberalized or progressive cannabis law. Pennsylvania and Connecticut are interested in further progresss and New York borders Canada where full legalization recently took place. New York is poised to take the lead in developing the best policies for drug use, business, and cultivation/manufacture.
New York needs to look at successes out west and in other countries, not only to its immediate neighbors. The ability of people to grow and make their own supplies for themselves, friends, family, and colleagues is an important right. Of course sensible regulation and taxation should be introduced in certain necessary cases. New York’s laws are a good start but there is still room for improvment, which we can discuss further at For example, I believe that homegrowers should be able to sell high quality marijuana to cannabis retailers and delivery services directly if they register with the state and pay taxes, and the product passes saftey inspection and analysis.