Mix it up!

As your tolerance increases, there is another option to simply increasing your dosage. Mixing different products and delivery methods creatively (concurrently or simultaneously) over time will keep you feeling great longer.


Rapid Sequential consumption of successive strains, each differently. Like the Stages of a Saturn V falling to the earth and burning up, each strain gets you higher and higher. One could roll a joint with one strain packed adjacent to another, but I find it’s far easier to rotate vapes.


Take a short hit on a vape, exhale when ready, and then within one minute (or whenever you’re ready) move on to the next vape. Continue on until you reach your interstellar destination!


Mix a few types of herb together, all Indica, all Hybrid, all Sativa — or mix and match different ratios between different categories! If vaping take differently sized hits off a few pens or cartriges to produce the desired effect.


I don’t specificially mean an alcoholic drink, though alcohol is in many tinctures and other cannabis products. I mean any optimal combination of substances to achieve the effect necessary.

A cannabis cocktail is highly effective. For example you can take a capsule or edible (or drink a bhang lassi — with heated or unheated TCHA or THC) to establish a long term baseline, massage on a topical cream to slowly increase it, and then vape until you reach your destination. This combination provides great relief.

Other Cocktails, such as those with perscription medications and supplements, when approved by a doctor and pharmacist are usually the most effective.

For example for insomnia a precise mix of melatonin, a benzodiazapine, an opioid, and a strong indica or hybrid as well as some CBD and CBN is extremely effective for me, but extreme care must be taken to ensure safety. Instead of perscription drugs one could use Kava or Valerian, as I often do. I have built up resitance and tolerance to many meds, so this is what works for me.